James William Martin

Business Transformation Professional, Author and Educator

Writing hand (ca. 1891–1941) drawing

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
–Benjamin Franklin

Current research interests

  • Aligning the “voice of” customers, suppliers, employees, and partners for higher productivity
  • Design thinking applications to increase customer experience integration
  • Process modeling of high-volume virtual work within IT ecosystems to reduce cycle time and increase quality.
  • Robotic Process Automation deployment within an organizational culture for effective process design and work
Business process books mapping high volume transactions though IT ecosystems using design thinking and the voice of customer

Productivity alignment

  • Customer experience relationships to organizational productivity
  • Effective design of operational audits to identify, define and align productivity-enhancing projects
  • The application of new tools and methods to increase productivity across organizations and supply chains
Business process books using operational assessments, project identification and project audits to accelerate productivity

Operational risk causes

  • People, technology, and process design as causes of sudden and catastrophic failures of information technology, health care, construction, machines, and supply chain systems
  • Cognitive, organizational culture, and ethical influences on sudden failures resulting in loss of life, injury, and property damage.
Business process books discussing Cognitive factors and organizational dynamics, including ethics, are major contributors to most unexpected and catastrophic failures causing loss of life and extensive property damage.